Wednesday, December 4, 2013

EARLY!! The RNC have their sites on HRC for the 2016 run. Will she run?

Reince Priebus, chair of the Republican National Committee, says the party is narrowing in on former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, a potential candidate and threat in the 2016 presidential election.
Priebus told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt Wednesday that the Republican Party, with the help of the America Rising PAC, has "begun focusing in" on Clinton, but there's more to be done.
"I think that there's a lot of rough stuff coming out on Hillary," Priebus said. "But I think you're right, I think that we have to be very aggressive on what she's done and what she hasn't done, and the things that she is famous for, like a botched health care roll out in the '90s and Benghazi and the things that she is involved with that went obviously pretty badly."
Hewitt referred to Clinton as the "de facto" nominee for the Democratic Party in 2016. But Priebus said the party could not lose sight of the 2014 elections just yet.
"I agree with you that there needs to be more of a focus," Priebus said. "But obviously we're trying to get to the midterms and we're trying to make sure that we set ourselves up properly in these governors and Senate races."
Of course, the former secretary of state has not yet announced her intent to run in 2016.
During a November event in Beijing, former President Bill Clinton said he hoped to see a woman president serve the nation in his lifetime, but he couldn't be sure whether that woman would be his wife.
"I do not know if she's going to run, and there is no such thing as a sure thing in politics," he said in Beijing.

Story credited to Huffington Post

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