Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Today between 1:40pm-2pm there was an eartherquake that shook New York City more so mentally than it did physically.  Now, instead of going to get detailed facts from the media, I'll give it to you, how real time gave it to me.  I was on the phone with my homie, and out of no where she was like "Uh I gotta get off the phone, the building is shaking" I was like "Ok" didn't think nothing of it.  I'm on my way to the gym headed east 125 to Lenox ave.  I see damn near all employees folding out on the streets from the DMV to the Post Office, State Office building, Starbucks, Sprint, and trust me it was bullshit that I couldn't get my coffee, carry on.  Finally someone says we just had an EARTHQUAKE, I'm thinking "ok that was it".   I hear the mail lady on her bluetooth in full Eesha mode "Fuck that I'm not going in no more buildings, they ain't getting no more mail today, they'll get that shit tomorrow".  LOL, alrighty then... and of course I heard random ideas about what just happened.  However, the one thing that rang out was "I have to get my shit together you never know what could happen" So true, we go through life assuming tomorrow is coming and our plans will be in effect forever.  Sorry so not true!  In this case, it's an Earthquake that has us SHOOK, because it could have been a thousand different things that could have stopped us from getting to the next day.  Disclaimner, I am no scholar nor do I claim some sort of know it all degree, in shit.  Neither of us are perfect but we know better, so we should do better.  It shouldn't have to be an earthquake, or some sort of major lost in order to get our lives together.   These events are inevitable and we should approach each day as if  we just had an earthquake.   Someone posted on FB today "dead fish just go with the flow". I found it very profound.  It's sort of what people do once they stop living.  They get to a certain place in life and stop chasing their dreams and goals, and take the easy way out.  Ha! I'll admit as a creative person I can come up with a million ideas, but the main idea is to priortize.  Everything doesnt make sense and it damn sure won't make dollars, which has to be our goal as a civil person wanting  to live comfortably.   I agree the world is spinning faster than we can keep up with today, but it's throwing out some gifts and we have to know what they are.  We should practice living everyday like the last, but plan to do it for a very long time.  A wake up call every now and again is great, but that snooze button makes you late everytime.  Get up!