Are you sitting on a 10 year dream waiting for the right moment, or building that trillion dollar idea? Well if you're human you're part of the 99% and understand. How many EXCUSES have we come up with to talk us out of doing something that may better our lives. "No, I'll hit the gym tomorrow, it's a better day" LOL, what's wrong with today, it has the same need, the need to get in better shape. "Oh I can't start that business, no one will buy this product" Well if you've already said no then you've lost. How do you know no one will buy it until you've tried to sell it to them? "No one will ever read my book why write it"? Well no one can't read it because it's not out. If you have an imagination, or a story that rings true to more than just yourself, then you have a book". These are simple examples but relative, and maybe it's not a book, or a better body, but you get it. We all have goals and dreams, it's important not to play them both the same. Dreams are what we visualize and goals require action, even the language that we live in has to change. Saying things like, "I can't, I don't know, Maybe tomorrow, I'm not sure" aid in goals failing. I don't know about you, but I believe if you think bad you get bad, simple. We have to examine ourselves from time to time, and make sure we stay the course. We're human, sometimes we'll get thrown off track depending the situation, but forward is the idea. Ego and Pride can get in the way so watch your energy and your words. While we'll exert some energy on things we love it may not be enough.
No one is perfect and we will not be well off in a day if it's not meant to be that way. Until then, forward is the only movement needed. NO more EXCUSES!